I get a lot of emails these days whining about NWO and other conspiracies making references to Atlas Shrugged. I read the book about fifty years ago and thought that maybe it was time for a re-read so I looked on Amazon and Ebay for a used copy. I found an Ebook on Ebay for only $1.99 and thought, what the hay, maybe I should try residing in the twenty first century. So I bought a copy. It was cheap, and so am I. And I was able to download the 8 Meg .pdf file within five minutes of paying for it on Paypal. So far, so good. Also, I am up to my armpits in books and eating up 8 Megs of hard disk is a nice way to keep a library when physical space in very limited. That's the good news. The bad? Reading an ebook, for me, is a pain in the ass. I may have to retrain myself to read a "book" on a laptop screen instead of having a real book in my hand. OK, but how do you bookmark the thing? The book is 900 pages long. I have never read 900 pages at one sitting and probably never will. I haven't figured out yet how to stick a business card, toothpick or toenail clipping where I leave off so I can get right back.
Since I wrote the first part of this, I went to the used bookstore and bought a paperback copy for $3.95. I found about 450 places to stick an impromptu bookmark. For now, I think I'll stick with Gutenberg.
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