Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On the road again, there's more.

It looks pretty official. Sadie and I will be on the road for a few weeks.
This is one of my very favorite pictures of her. She'll be perfect company on the trip.
You know if you talk to yourself, and people see or hear you, you're labeled as a crackpot. But if you talk to your dog, most folks won't even give it a second thought. Not that I really care, mind you.

We'll be off to Houma, Louisana and then on to Cumming GA. After that Cincinnati.
It also looks like Brown County Indiana is on the agenda. I spent a year and a half in southern Indiana as a young sailor a very long time ago. I was weird for us, mostly, city boys to be in such a rural setting. I always try to go back through there when I get a chance to see how things have changed, and also how they haven't changed.
Then next, we'll be off to see my sister in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio.
After a little family visit, it will be on to southern Michigan and northern Indiana.
Cammanche Iowa will probably be the end of the "official" trip and then
Old Route 66, as much as practicable, will be the long way home. Maybe not, maybe we'll take the Northern Route and stop to see my old Navy buddy Bart in Wyoming.
It's been three years since I've made an extended road trip and the road is beckoning to me.
Can you hear it?
I can. So can Sadie.

1 comment:

  1. you and your four legged pal had better make a stop down in Brown County, IN....lots to sniff, piss on and imbibe in....ARRRGGHHHHH
