I love to ingest things, good things. I like food and beer and wine and chocolate chip cookies. But I really like coffee. When it's black it's practically sin free. When it's bad, or has been boiled, it can be really bad. I really like the stuff with International Irish Cream coffee creamer.
My friends George and Melinda like to make real Irish coffee. Thy perk real coffee, add some brown sugar and put in real Irish whiskey. Melinda whips real cream to top it with and it is real good. Me, I'm a tad bit lazier. I do grind my dark roast beans from Trader Joe's before dumping them in my coffee press. But when the coffee is done brewing, I just add the International Irish Cream coffee creamer and pour in some Irish whiskey. It's a bit less work, but very hard to tell from the real thing. In the event that I'm out of Irish whiskey, a very real likely-hood, bourbon whiskey is almost as good.In fact I'm riding out a rain storm and having a tot o' Irish coffee right now, which warmed me right up and moved me to write my praises about it.
The whiskey is a little too harsh for me: I make coffee and add Bailey's :) It's the creamer and the booze all in one.