Monday, February 24, 2025

 I went up to our postbox this morning and I had three things addressed to us. The first was a letter from PBS stating that my credit card was no longer valid. Well I actually knew that because I changed cards last month. I do that about once a year to weed out any of those pesky auto payments. Mission accomplished. I know this is no big deal but like they say on TV, there's more. 

Next I got a flyer from Musical Theatre, sic, West. Long Beach's very own musical company. I'd make great gay man who loves musical theater except I'm not gay. But I do love musical theater, too bad I'm not gay. The show they are pimping is Into The Woods. It's a Stephen Sondheim show and I'm not a really big fan of Sondheim but the tickets "start at just $20". So it's not like the front row at The Hollywood Bowel and we should go to patronize our own group.

Lastly, the big Kahuna. Jamie, she's a registered Orange County Voter,  got a flyer from Tony Strickland asking her to vote for "A fighter in Sacramento". Tony is, God forbid, a member of "the Republican Party of Orange County". He is endorsed by Michelle Steel US Represtative (Ret.), Don Barnes Orange County Sheriff, Stephanie Klopfenstein Mayor of Garden Grove and Janet Nguyen County Supervisor all Republicans. Has good old conservative Orange County swung back to the right? Whether or not you knew it, I am nether a Republican or a Democrat. I am a registered Libertarian but if I can't see a Libertarian winning I will vote against whomever is the incumbent who these days in The People's Republic is a Democrat. 

I also consider myself  as a Patriot.  

Speaking of patronage, The Bay theater in Seal Beach is now open after too long a time. You do owe it to yourself to enjoy an old time movie theater. Also try The Art Theater on fourth street. It's the last remaining independent  cinema in LB. 

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