Sunday, June 7, 2020

But wait, there's more.

Yesterday I posted on Facebook:
Not all, not the majority, not even most but too many cops are out and out bullies. I don't buy this obvious overreaction of the day but I do endorse the reshaping the mindset of police departments to stop throwing their weight around and thinking that cops are above the law.
Of course black lives matter but so do brown lives and red lives and even Asian lives and dare I say it? So do white lives. The problem, as I see it, is too many cops let their powers of authority go their heads and act like demigods.
Let us not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I do speak the truth.
Last night, while watching the 11 PM  news which I mainly do as a matter of habit. I am breaking that habit because I am sickened of watching what is going on in the world. Last night there was video of  cops trying to keep the peace. There must have been thirty officers in the frame with 18 inch clubs pushing back at the unruly crowd. There was one, and only one,  cop hitting the people. He  didn’t take a swing at some particularly quarrelsome  guy, he was swinging away like some old time wheat harvester with a scythe. He continued nonstop beating folks the whole time he was on camera.
These are the guys that need and I say need, to be removed from the ranks. It is not a question of reducing police powers. It is a method of preserving the honor of the police.
This cop who probably murdered Mr. Floyd had been brought up on charges  of brutality seventeen times. Seventeen times !!! And each and every time he received , at worst, a slap on the hand. He, no doubt, had developed a mindset that he could literally get away with murder and you know what, he almost did.
As a veteran, I understand the code of silence, but there are limits.
The captain of my ship when ordered by an admiral to fire white phosphorus into a Vietnamese orphanage because the Viet Cong were using the place as a safety zone, faced extreme pressure from the powers above for refusing to follow orders but was ultimately exonerated because it was the right thing to do.
Right is right and wrong is wrong it is pretty much a binary situation. There is very little gray area between the two. An organization who spends a great amount of time, money and effort to cover cop’s asses to matter what the situation needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom and back to top again.
In the final analysis, there isn’t much difference between the police and a street gang. Except the cops get more and better guns.
I’ll probably get a bomb tossed through my front window for saying all of this and I won’t even  know which side threw it.

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