Saturday, April 23, 2011

On the road, again.

Trying to do the right thing and keep everybody happy is probably more of a goal than a possibility. The best we all can do is try to arrange a series of compromises. Compromise, that's when nobody gets everything that they want and therefore everybody is somewhat pissed about something but no-one can really bitch too loudly because they know that this is the best that can be done considering the hand that we were dealt.
With that in mind, I departed So. Cal this, Saturday, morning and flew to Cleveland to spend Easter with my little sister. My sister is eight years younger than me and is confined to a wheelchair because of MS. At least she's happy that her big brother is spending Easter with her.
Monday morning, I'll continue on to Indiana to get a job completed while the sheet-metal for another job goes back to the fabricator's for re-work. I should get back about the time the re-work is completed and get that job finished up.
This is all leading to the news that, at least for me, the recession is finally over. I am no longer working out of the back of my pickup truck and have a genuine shop to go to. I am happy to report that we weathered the storm and kept from being blown onto the rocky shoals of economic ruin. Leaner, for sure. Meaner, I certainly hope so. Wiser, I think so. Getting you and your company knocked on it's ass sure has taught us a few lessons. Lessons that I hope that we remember for a long time.
When you are going full tilt and things are going well, the if it's working, don't fix it attitude prevails. But when it's not working so well, you are forced to get creative, work both harder and smarter and fix the very things that you knew needed fixing.
As Murphy always said, it's a new day and a new deal and it looks like it's going to be a mighty fine new day.
I hope to have a chance to nosh on some regional and ethnic food that is getting harder and harder to find out West. Like the Polish and Italian food in the Cleveland area and the Amish food in both Ohio and Indiana. I honestly don't know of one decent Amish place in all of LA or Orange counties.
More in a few days from Indiana.

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