Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Great Hope

It was just about two years ago when I was sitting in my hotel room in Vallejo watching the Republican National Convention when John McCain introduced Sarah Palin to us, the citizens of the USA. I liked her at once, but shades of Jimmy Carter I knew that she would get chewed up and spit back into Alaska. But son-of-a-gun she just wont go away. She's honing her political saber to a fine point and using Mr. Obama like a piece of paper to judge just how sharp it is.
Well guess what, it's getting a very fine edge on it. I'm watching her, right now, speaking in Anaheim stirring up the crowd, and stir it up she does.
For years, my dad in his wisdom as a die-hard union Democrat would go on about how the Democrats would get us into wars and the Republicans would get us into recessions, and once again it looks like the old man was right on the money. For the last generation, the Republicans tried on a variety of new dresses to see how they would be perceived. But as an old sailor friend of mine used to say, you know what you get when you put a new dress on an old whore. You have an old whore in a new dress.
Me thinks that Sarah may just be the undoing of the GOP, that she may just be the new spirit that is so badly needed. A blast of wind from the North, The Wolf. The new age of the GOP and hopefully the country.
I listened to Gorbachov speak years ago and remarked to myself that it sounded like maybe this commie was for real and speaking the truth and it came to pass that he really was.
I get the same feeling of hope listening to Sarah this evening.
Let us all hope, pray, think positivity or what ever works for you that maybe this bleak period of US history maybe be closing.
The roots of this bleakness go way beyond Obama and even Bush.
Basically it has been a mind-set of me-to, not what can I do for my country.

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