Monday, June 19, 2023

Getting older

 There was a time not long ago when I was considered a young stud. Or so I thought sometimes. I tried to not be some kind of pretty boy but I noticed every now and then some female seemed to be giving me the eye.  Life was good and I liked being married. When out drinking and shooting shit with "the boys" When I was on the road I was always requested to get some ladies sitting at another table to come and join us. Later in the evening I would go to the men's room and then back to my room. I have no idea how my mates did and I wasn't really interested. I was either already married or had a steady girlfriend and I didn't really care for trolling for companionship.

One day a few years ago when I was looking in a mirror I started to wonder who the hell was that old guy looking back at me. Youth is truly wasted on the young. I now have two sons and one godson and the boys seemed to handle themselves pretty well. 

These days I go to bed too damned early and wake up to damned early. I used to  scoff at the old farts who ingested a dozen pills every day. Now I six pills before I have my morning coffee and go out to slay the dragons. Before I go to sleep I take two more and then put on my CPAP. If you don't know what a CPAP is thank God you don't. CPAP stands for Constant Positive Air Pressure which is a torture device that seems to be made popular in the middle ages. You put a mask attached to a hose that is part of a machine over your face. The first time I tried it was about 12 years ago at the VA sleep lab. After about ten minutes I ripped it off of my face. I said to myself I really don't care to live like this. Five, or so, to placate upper management, my wife, I agreed to  take another try at the sleep lab. This time I kept it on all night and in the morning when I was brushing my teeth I noticed that the black rings under my eyes had disappeared. I slid fartherdown the hill to old fogyville. 

If all of this seems to be the muttering of an old fart well here I am. I guess all of this inconvenience beats the alternative.  

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