Monday, June 19, 2023

UFO & Extraterrestrials

 There is a lot of talk these days of UFOs and extraterrestrials. I would like to mount my soapbox for a few minutes.

I have personally witnessed one and am a believer. This is no shit as we would have said in the Navy. 

About 1973 I lived in Glendora, California about two miles from the foothills. My friend Denny had come over to my house and we, as my dad used to say, Chewed the rag and had a few beers together. Around midnight Denny was going to head to his home in Covina. He was standing at my doorstep facing west and all of a sudden I saw this bright light go by. My condition 3 station off of the coast of Vietnam on the ship was gun director officer. I had tracked many aircraft and had developed a pretty accurate eye as to range, bearing altitude and speed. It was a clear night so my vision wasn't diminished.

By my somewhat expert reckoning I judged this "light" to be less than three miles away and making a speed well over 500 knots. The light had a very distinct round shape. It wasn't leaving any trail of sparks so I was pretty sure it wasn't a meteor. It went straight into hills without making any noise or crashing sounds. The whole thing swept across the sky in less than five seconds and it was gone. The hairs on my arm raised and I asked Denny "Did you see that?" Of course he was standing with his back to it so he asked. See what?

For the next few years I gave a lot of thought about what it was that I actually saw. According to Albert Einstein, and who am I to question him, the speed of light is the absolute  limit of velocity. I happen to know that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. That's way faster than my mother driving a VW van. If people were actually able to attain the speed of light and the nearest planet is 40 light years away, give or take, that means that who ever is driving these cosmic hot rods would have to make an eighty year round trip. What kind of intelligent being is going to volunteer for that gig?  So I poo pooed that theory. Still looking, I found a rational explanation in of all places the Sunday comics, Broom Hilda. Some little creature in the comic is strolling along with the Owl. The Owl says "Some people believe that so called extraterrestrials aren't from some far away planet. That they are from Earth but from a different time. 

Time travel is, to me, a lot more acceptable than travel that takes a hundred, or more, years. So there you have it. Out of the mouths of babes, or owls in this case, come the gems of my knowledge.

If you have a better scenario. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

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