Sunday, April 18, 2010

Travels With Sadie

It is Tuesday evening and Sadie and I are due to hit the road in the morning. It rained today and now it has cleared up but it's still blowing like stink outside.
There are Small Craft Advisories posted. The lines are creaking and it reminds you why you live aboard. We'll be taking the BRT. Big Red Truck.

I'm "packing". The boat is a mess. What a dump. There was a time when I would shove whatever clean clothes and underwear & socks into a bag and be on my merry way. Now I'm beginning to think that I am starting to pack like a girl. You know, for three weeks. Six pair of jeans, three for work. Two for going out in public and the newest pair for "formal" wear. Maybe eight tee shirts three pull-over "golf" shirts and maybe two dressy shirts. Work shoes, deck shoes, that's about it. Well, maybe not so girlie after all.
Sadie's the smart one here. She just snoozes while I get ready to stow her food and dishes. Her bed and squeaky bunnies, and her Duck. In case you slept through the course, and don't speak Golden Retriever, a Duck is this red rubber throw toy that you toss into the water for her to retrieve. Ha ha ha. Sorry, it's just a little private joke.
I have my list, and I'm checking it twice. It's a pretty big list.
I did learn one travel tip from Carl that I'm willing to share. According to Carl, you pack all of your old crap. The stuff that you should have thrown away by now. After you have worn it, and got it dirty or torn, you toss it. This way you'll have less crap to tote around and maybe a bit of room to bring new crap back. Eh???
Anyway, we're off in the morning and I intend to make it to New Mexico on Day One.


  1. Safe travels Don......and Sadie.

    We got the Fat Tire and a nice Vanilla Stout on draft for you too as well as a Pork Tenderloin sammich as big as a spinnaker waiting here in Hoosier land
